AAC Block Production Line

United Industrail


If you are looking for a building material that is lightweight, durable, energy-efficient and eco-friendly, you might want to consider AAC blocks. AAC stands for autoclaved aerated concrete, and it is a type of precast concrete that contains millions of tiny air bubbles. In this blog post, we will introduce you to the AAC block production line and explain how it works.

What is an AAC block production line?

An AAC block production line is a set of machines and equipment that are used to produce AAC blocks. AAC blocks are made from a mix of cement, lime, fly ash, gangue, river sand and aluminium powder. The production process involves batching, mixing, casting, cutting, curing and autoclaving.

Batching: The raw materials are precisely weighed and measured according to the formula design. The weighing scale is equipped with a sensor to ensure accuracy and uniformity.

Mixing: The raw materials are mixed in a mixer to form a slurry. The slurry is then poured into a mould and stirred by a stirring device. A small amount of aluminium powder is added to the slurry to create air bubbles.

Casting: The mould is filled with the slurry and transferred to a pre-curing room by a conveyor. The slurry is allowed to set and harden for several hours.

Cutting: The hardened slurry is demoulded and cut into blocks of desired size and shape by a cutting machine. The cutting machine can make horizontal, vertical and cross cuts.

Curing: The cut blocks are placed on a trolley and moved to an autoclave by a crane. The autoclave is a large pressure vessel that uses high temperature and high pressure steam to cure the blocks.

Autoclaving: The blocks are cured in the autoclave for about 8 hours. The autoclaving process enhances the strength, durability and thermal insulation of the blocks.

Packaging: The cured blocks are unloaded from the trolley and packaged by a packaging machine. The blocks are ready for transportation and use.

What are the advantages of AAC blocks?

AAC blocks have many advantages over conventional concrete blocks, such as:

– Lightweight: AAC blocks are about one-fifth the weight of normal concrete blocks, which reduces the load on the structure and saves transportation costs.
– High compressive strength: AAC blocks have a compressive strength of 3-5 MPa, which is comparable to normal concrete blocks.
– Excellent thermal insulation: AAC blocks have a low thermal conductivity of 0.1-0.2 W/mK, which means they can keep the indoor temperature stable and reduce energy consumption for heating or cooling.
– Great acoustic insulation: AAC blocks have a high sound absorption coefficient of 0.1-0.3, which means they can reduce noise transmission and create a quiet environment.
– Fire resistance: AAC blocks are non-combustible and can withstand temperatures up to 1200°C without losing their structural integrity.
– Eco-friendly: AAC blocks are made from waste materials such as fly ash and gangue, which reduces environmental pollution and saves natural resources.

How to choose an AAC block production line?

If you are interested in investing in an AAC block production line, you need to consider some factors such as:

– Capacity: The capacity of an AAC block production line depends on the size of the mould, the number of moulds, the curing time and the autoclaving time. You can choose from different capacities ranging from 5m3 to 60m3 per year according to your needs.
– Automation: The automation level of an AAC block production line affects the efficiency, quality and cost of production. You can choose from full automatic or semi-automatic production lines depending on your budget and technical skills.
– Quality: The quality of an AAC block production line depends on the quality of the raw materials, the equipment, the technology and the service. You should choose a reliable supplier that can provide you with high-quality products and after-sales service.

Where to find an AAC block production line supplier?

There are many suppliers of AAC block production lines in the market, but not all of them can meet your expectations. You need to do some research and compare different options before making a decision. Here are some tips to help you find a good supplier:

– Check their reputation: You can check their online reviews, customer feedback, certifications and awards to see how they are rated by other customers.
– Check their experience: You can check their history, portfolio, case studies and references to see how long they have been in the industry and what kind of projects they have completed.
– Check their service: You can check their warranty, installation, training, maintenance and technical support to see how they can help you with your project.
– Check their price: You can check their quotation, payment terms, delivery time and shipping costs to see how they fit your budget.

One of the suppliers that we recommend is us, a leading manufacturer of AAC block production lines in China. We has more than 20 years of experience in the industry and has exported its products to more than 100 countries and regions. We can offer you customized solutions for your AAC block production line project, from design, installation, commissioning, training to after-sales service. We can also provide you with other related products such as AAC panel production line, concrete block machine, concrete batching plant and more. If you want to know more about Our factory and our products, please contact us now.


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